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Fontana POA Supporting FOHI Students!
GABRIEL MOLINA - FOHI FoHi student Gabriel Molina recently won 1st Place in the Skills USA statewide Welding Competition. That win advances Gabriel to the Skills USA national competition to be held in Atlanta, CA in June 2022. This photo shows Officer Steve Reed presenting Gabriel with a donation from the Fontana POA to help Gabriel purchase Personal Protective Equipment and materials for the competition. We are pleased that Fontana Unified School District supports Gabriel...
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Help Support The Sayegh Family
Click Here to Donate With a heavy heart, the friends and family of Rajaie “Jay” Sayegh are making the notification of his tragic passing. Jay was raised in Southern California and knew early in his life that he wanted to be a Police Officer. After graduating in 2004 from the San Bernardino Police Academy, he started his 16 years of service with the Fontana Police Department. He met his wife Alexis and started a family. Jay medically retired but his service to the community of Fontana ne...
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Fontana POA Focuses On Integrity, Trustworthiness, And Open Communications
In 2013, Rich Hunt was the newly elected president of Fontana Police Officers Association. He asked the Board of Directors to help completely change the POA’s mission, values and image. His vision was a Fontana POA that was more than just a labor union. It would also connect with and benefit the people of Fontana. I’m proud to say I was part of that Board. We began the sea change by focusing on three values: 1. Integrity, 2. Trustworthiness, and 3. Open Communications. Integrity is di...
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To Shoot Or Not To Shoot, That Is The Question
Not long ago, members of the Concerned Citizens for the Development of North Fontana were invited by Fontana Police to participate in an interactive police training exercise. Concerned Citizens is a local civil rights organization which annually co-sponsors the Chillin’ N Grillin’ Barbecue Cookoff with the Fontana POA. The shoot-don’t-shoot simulator has several scenarios modeled after events which police officers often confront in the line of duty. A video is projected onto a ful...
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Internet And Website Safety Tips
Though there have been many scares about what can happen to children or teenagers on the internet, adults should be safe as well. There is no limit to the amount of risk adults come in contact with such as sexual predators, criminals who are seeking out your personal information on social networking sites, buying habits, frequently used sites, and many others.Here are some tips to help prevent you from being a target:Do not share things such as email addresses, usernames and passwords.Do not us...
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Crime Prevention
Simple Crime Prevention: Anyone can be a target of even the simplest of crimes. Here are some tips to keep you safe in your everyday life: -Always be aware of your surroundings and who is around you. Take time to observe what people are wearing and what they look like in case you have to describe it later to someone. -Do not leave any items in your car that may be seen as valuable to someone else. Do not give thieves the opportunity. Put valuables in the trunk or cover them so they are no...
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